vocatium Flensburg 2025

Fachmesse für Ausbildung+Studium
Campushalle Flensburg

13.05.2025 | 05:50 - 14:00 o'clock
14.05.2025 | 05:50 - 14:00 o'clock
Free Entry

parentum- day for job orientation

"Vocational training? Going to university? Going abroad? Or doing an internship?" - those are the questions many young adults and their parents as their most important advisors are trying to find an answer to. To find a job perspective is a challenge in times of various possibilities concerning the number of vocational trainings and subjects. The parentum - day for parents and students in 2018 was another great success in showing how to get informed and make the right decision.

Regional companies, technical colleges, universities and advisory services are presenting their offers concerning vocational trainings, studies, internships or other possibilities. They answer all questions about the duration or the requirements of all the various possibilities and how to hit the level of expertise that is required. The IfT organizers know exactly what the special ingredients are that make every parentum a success: "The personal dialogue between student and exhibitor is the most important asset. One has the opportunity to build contacts and get information you cannot get online or on a flyer. No matter if the conversation ends up in an internship or more, many examples proove that the first contact between companies and their future employees were made on one of the fairs.

In addition to that, an interesting lecture programm about topics of interest such as job orientation, assessment centers, ways of applying etc. are part of the event as well.


The next parentum in Nürnberg will take place in 2019.

Auspices 2024:

Bettina Stark-Watzinger
Bundesministerin für Bildung und Forschung

Cooperation partner 2024:

  • Agentur für Arbeit Fürth
  • IHK Industrie und Handelskammer Geschäftsstelle Fürth
  • Landeselternverband bayerischer Realschulen e. V.

IfT-Contact Person:

Katja Sesselmann

E-Mail: k.sesselmann@if-talent.de

Tel.: +49 911 274487714

Address of the venue:

Campushalle Flensburg

Campusallee 2

24943 Flensburg

At the fair 2024 attented following 123 exhibitors.